Sunday, November 20, 2011

Letter I

Number Writing Practice
(These numbers are looking better than mine!!!)
You can't talk about the Letter I without having an ice cream party!
This one's easy!!!

The Best Birthday Ever!

How much sweeter can it be? Chocolate chip pancakes & my 2 favorite little people!

God has blessed me so abundantly in the 33 years I have been on this earth. I am so grateful He is in charge of my life and not me.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mommy & B: The Sweet Life

 Always smiling!

I love just holding her. She is such a cutie pie-of course, I am biased!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Letter H

Making our weekly page for "My ABC Book"

"Don't take any more pictures!"

"Look, Mom, I did it myself. Take a picture!"

"Hippo" Counting Practice

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Letter G

We needed help with making our letter this week.
The letter G is REALLY HARD to make with just your body!

TK wanted to write his own name!
He did very well for the first time!

The Letter 'G' is for Gumball!

If anyone knows how to rotate picture on a blog, I would LOVE some help!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Letter F

OK, Mommy did rotate this one, but, apparently, it rotated back when it was posted!
Adding our weekly letter to our coconut tree.
This has become one of TK's favorite activities.

Our tree is looking quite "cool"!

Friday, November 11, 2011


The idea is unsettling...No classroom, no text books, and no set lesson plans. Really? But when I think about it (from someone who does have a LOT of "real" school 'under my belt') the idea is very appealing...Learning at your own pace and the things that you really want to know, and getting to spend lots of quality time together...Sounds really nice (and very relevant!).

But then my mind starts reeling:
*Will my kids know what they need to know? Well, my first thought is 'no', they won't know about every detail of history, like all the information in the books that I learned throughout my school years. But, then, I I remember all of that anyway(or even a little bit of it)? NO. I remember thinking I can't wait to get past the "core classes" so I can get on to the stuff I really want to know anyway...And, of course, forget all that I "didn't need to remember". So, my second thought is "yes", they will learn what they "want to know" because they will be interested and it will "stick". This, in turn, will become the things they "need to know" because it will be what they take an interest in and pursue for life.

*Won't my kids be "out of touch with what's going on in the world"? Aren't I? Really...just because I had world history and politics classes in school, does that mean I know what's happening in my own neighborhood, the city I live in, the United States, or the world? NO. I took all of those classes, but I forgot pretty much everything and, today, only focus on what's important to me and what I have time for: my relationship with God, my family, my office (and doing the best in my field of expertise that I can), and my friends. When I need information for something that relates to any of those things, I look it up. Which is exactly what "unschooling" is all about, anyway.

*Life is very busy: Why not enjoy every last minute of the time you have with your loved ones, and skip all the "fact stuffing"?

*Although I needed to learn to read and write and do basic math, most of what I use in life is from my topic specific classes in college, and from my mom (thanks, Mom!). Seriously, wouldn't it be nice to have time to teach your kids how to prepare a budget, cook, keep a clean house, care for animals or a garden, or how to do basic sewing (or for them to actually pursue something they are good at and enjoy-Like a sport)? Why spend endless hours learning about stuff we don't need to know, only to have no time left to enjoy each other and life, and to pursue things that really interest us?

*Unschooling doesn't mean watching TV all day, but it can mean learning about TV! If my child has an interest in TV (production of shows, how the TV turns on, about something you see on TV), that's where "unschooling" can begin... That's when I ask the "why & how" questions, and we make education out of his interests, and he learns to "learn on his own". If I give him the tools to "teach himself", he will learn to learn, and do so for life.

*What about "tests"??? I thought about this and panicked for a minute...but, really, what tests do we have to take and what are they for anyway? We don't HAVE to take any tests (Thankfully we live in the state of Illinois and there are no requirements).
-Grade school tests: Only to compare my kid to the next and know that they are "in par" with others. Do I care? Aside from a physical or mental problem (which I would hope I knew about long before the test!) I want my child to develop and learn at his own pace, anyway!
-High school tests: To get into college or to graduate. If my child is interested in college, he will study for those tests and learn the information. If his ability to "figure things out" has been fostered throughout his life, he'll know exactly what to do. There are hundreds of books at the library on "taking the ACT or SAT". There is a method to preparing for those tests: that's what teachers are aiming for, for all of the high school years...most of which can be learned from those "simple" books from the library. Besides, what if my kids don't want to go to college? What if he wants to work with wood? Or is she wants to be a lifeguard? Or stay home with her family? Is a college education really necessary to get a job? Does a college education mean you'll get a job? How many people out there have gotten an education and not used it in their daily work? Many, I am sure. We are 50/50 at our house. My husband is incredible at what he does for a living, but doesn't use his college degree at all. His skills are from what his parents taught him growing up and from what he teaches himself as time goes on. On the other hand, if my children want to follow in my footsteps, then they will need to go to college and do many years post college, but that is for them to decide. Why should I force them through endless hours of pointless learning (and loans!!!) if in the end they just want to enjoy raising kids? Or working with wood (like their Papa)? I will foster and help them learn about any interests they have, and enjoy every minute of my time with them, because we won't be fighting to learn facts that won't matter in the end!

*I believe the most important thing I can teach my children is to listen to God's will for their lives. They will be the most happy when they are within His will. If they are following hard after Him, they will know what's "next" for them. And, since God loves them more than I do, He'll make sure they have what they need to "do well in life" (by His standards, anyway)!

I think I have decided that this crazy, "not-by-the-book" by any means, method of teaching is how we are going to do things. So what does that mean for now? I am going to love my little ones with every cell in my body, and "play, play, play" and "read, read, read" with them until they are old enough to start showing an interest in things. Meanwhile, showing them as many "interesting" things as I can along the way. When they ask questions (as 3 year olds ALWAYS do!) I will take the time to answer them the best I can...If I can't answer something, we'll look up the answer TOGETHER.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Letter E

TK Figured this one out on his own!
(Sorry, once again, Mom was too lazy to turn the photo!)

# Clipping Cards-Always a Favorite!

Cut & Paste

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I LOVE surprises!

So my awesome Hubbie decided to surprise me, last night, with tickets to Mary Poppins! I loved that movie when I was a kid (and still do!) and was so excited to be able to see it on Broadway. He even got a babysitter (THANK YOU, NANA!) for both of the little guys. Once, again, Hubbie, YOU ROCK! I am so incredibly blessed...

Friday, November 4, 2011

Letter D

Pre-writing practice

Yes, sometimes we do our schooling in our pajamas...If I can get a 3yo excited about his schoolwork...we'll do it right then and there!
The Letter D is REALLY HARD to make with your body!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Letter C

Sometimes we have a friend over.
The Letter C...Mommy can't get her camera the right way!

# Clipping Cards...Really, they are just fun to get them to stand up!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

I Love Fall!

Pumpkin farms, leaves changing colors, beautiful, crisp air, apple picking. Fun with family. What a wonderful time of year!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Letter B

This is the best we could come up with for the letter's hard to make it with your body!!! Pre-writing practice is always fun!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Letter A

We have been working through the alphabet. Here our some of our fun activities, starting with the letter A:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Moms are special people who can't be replaced. I thank God for my mom, all the time. She has her hands full with 5 of us (4 brothers....and one perfect daughter! ;) + 2 little grandchildren, but she's always good for a "Nana Hug"!

                     HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM!!!