Sunday, April 24, 2011

He is Risen!

I am so grateful that 'He is Risen!'

I attended a memorial service this past weekend for a man who had touched my life with his over-flowing love every time I was around him. At his service every memory shared was a positive one, reminding us of what a life, lived in love for Christ, truly looks like.

Today, I am reminded that I am a new creation...for that I am forever grateful. I am so thankful to Jesus for dying for my sins, so that I can be made new again!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Baby Vick's, Vick's, and Vaseline...

After a long day at work, I came home to a quiet house and thought, "Yes, a few minutes to myself. Both of my men are asleep!". I started making myself a bite to eat, and then heard a noise from upstairs. So I crept upstairs and opened TK's door, excited to give him a hug and see him for the first time that day. It smelled WONDERFUL in his room, like a soft baby powder smell. He stood there smiling at me. I noticed his hands seemed wet. I asked him what was on his hands..."Baby Vick's" he said, proudly. Thoughts of the large tub of Vaseline that we had stored in his closet and the two containers of Vick's vapor rub came flooding into my mind...

Sure enough, he had pushed the Vick's containers (BOTH of them) into the tub of Vaseline! The excess vaseline (with that wonderful baby powder scent!) was everywhere. As I looked around, I saw a glare from the wall, the floor, the blankets, his bed sheets, and his clothes. I've never been so glad that we had wood floors versus carpet! I wished I had taken a picture of the Vaseline jar! I'm new at this blogging thing, but I promise more pictures in the future!

After holding back a smile, and trying to act upset, I got it all cleaned up and made it clear how Vaseline doesn't really clean up.

I hope I never have to repaint that wall! ;) I think we'll be finding Vaseline spots for years to come...So much for my few quiet moments!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Balancing Life

When I was in school, I thought owning my own office would be the solution to all my desires for practicing to the highest quality and treating patients with the utmost respect...and it has been; but, what I didn't realize...was how much time it would take.

Now that I have a 3 year old and another one on the way, I have questioned whether it was the right decision or not. Through many events that have happened over the past 6 months, I have come to realize that this is where God has me in this stage of my life, and He WILL help me balance it all.

I struggle with 'time'...always feeling like there isn't enough of it. I also struggle with saying "No" to things/people...this is a bad combination...but I am learning. Learning how to balance, and learning how to live in the present so that I can enjoy life as it comes, and not be worried about the future.

I hope this blog will help others who may be in a similar situation as me. Being a wife and mom is one the greatest things that can happen to anyone...and one of the scariest. Adding in a full time office and professional career can wipe anyone out. This is when I realize it's not my strength I lean on daily, but His! Christ has saved me from eternal death, and saves me daily from the despair that a perfectionist wife, mom, doctor, office owner, and boss would inevitably feel. I thank God daily for his sovereign plan in my life and look forward to seeing how He will work it ALL out!

Taking things one day at a time

Today was one of those days when you could of looked at the glass half empty or half full. I had a full schedule in my office (which is what I need to be able to pay bills at this point with my fairly new office), and then it all fell apart. So, I decided to make the best of it and bring TK (my 3 year old, spunky little guy) with to work.

He did great being quiet when I did have patients and had fun being with his "aunties" (my awesome staff at the office). He loves being a part of things, and today he got to be. Not only did he redecorate my office with a ton of stickers, but he got to watch "Dora the Explorer" on my big conference room screen (It was like being at the movies!).

We both had fun...and among the butterfly kisses and "squeeze hugs" I realized that life is what you make of it, one day at a time. The bills will get paid...they always do. God always provides. For today, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with TK!