Friday, July 22, 2011

'One Day at a Time' About Sums Up My Week!

Monday I saw patients all day: 48 hours away from my due date.

Tuesday morning we had our 40 week check-up. I had a feeling we might need the car seat for B, so I asked Kris to put it in the car. When TK saw it he got all excited, stating "Now B can come out and say 'Thank You, Mommy!'".

Check-Up Appointment: "Latent Labor"...AKA "Go Home"...So, what else to do? Finish up patients that were already scheduled...8pm Tuesday Evening: Finishing an emergency start at the office...

9:45am Wednesday Morning: Head to the hospital to have a baby! 1:44pm-Welcome B! All natural, weighing in at 9lbs 2.7oz...20". No small fries in this family!

Thursday 5:00pm: Check-out & head home to get TK...Back to reality + one extra ;)

Friday: Relax...Sort-of...if you call keeping up with a nursing newborn & a rambunctious 3 year old 'relaxing'.

I love this crazy life of mine! God's timing is ALWAYS perfect! Even for big stuff like having a baby! ;)